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How The Hypothesis Became Reality

Positive Dissatisfaction: The Inspiration Behind D. S. Research Centre

Dr. Uma Shankar Tiwari and Prof. Shiva Shankar Trivedi, the founders of the D. S. Research Centre, were dissatisfied with traditional medicine and its toxicology. However, their discontent was not negative or irritable, but rather positive and constructive. They saw the need for change and believed that scientists could make a difference. This discontent eventually turned into a positive resolution: "We must do something."

The poison theory of traditional medicine had become a tight shackle, limiting progress and posing a risk to patients. Merely changing the method of using toxins was not enough; the entire approach to medicine needed to be re-evaluated. The founders of the D. S. Research Centre believed that a new direction in research was necessary to find the right treatment.

The environment played a practical role in inspiring the founders' thinking. They observed how farmers kept fortified seeds of maize, millet, sorghum, and tungun in their natural cover to protect them from pests and diseases. They also learned from farmers who buried grains in the ground and protected them with straw, rather than using toxic chemicals.

When it came to domestic animal wounds and insects, people applied bitter oils of barre, wheat, barley, etc., rather than using poisons to kill the insects. They believed in treating the body with the same food that it is made of. The founders' father had explained that healthy seeds do not have mites, and that mites are produced automatically in immature seeds. Similarly, only weak seeds become pests. The process of preparing the seeds can make the organism sick, which explains why pests are found where the fruit of the sycamore is.

The founders learned that wild animals consume their natural food and do not compromise their habits, which keeps them healthy. They also learned that the presence of germs in the environment may cause disease, but they do not attack the body that follows its natural diet.

These findings inspired the teenage minds of Uma Shankar Tiwari and Shiva Shankar Trivedi, who began to search for a new approach to medicine. Their father never thought that his simple teachings would someday inspire scientific research and become the foundation of a new horizon of science.

In their adolescent years, the inquisitive minds of Uma Shankar Tiwari and Shiva Shankar Trivedi began to ponder the profound mysteries of existence. Alas, their father, with little appreciation for scientific parlance, could not have foreseen the profound impact that their discoveries would one day have on the world of science. Nonetheless, these two prodigious young scholars persevered in their quest for knowledge, eventually ushering in a new epoch of scientific enlightenment.

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